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Sea Change


In my last blog posting I mentioned Susan returned to work, well now I did too.  This opportunity occurred under extremely troubling circumstances happening at the university and in my old college.  I’ve accepted an appointment as interim dean of the college for a period not to exceed twenty months (i.e., no later than the end of June 2015) or when a new dean is appointed – whichever comes first.  Susan and I are still shaking our heads — retirement was nice for both of us but opportunities happen.  As interim dean my job is much much easier than that of a dean whose contract with the university often includes an extensive “to-do” list.  To date, my to-do list includes only one thing: to support and to reassure students, staff and faculty that they made a good decision in choosing to study or work in our college.  That’s not bad.  Below is a collage I  just completed … designing it provided much needed relief.

Stay warm,

